Welcome to the Josiah Royce Comprehensive Index (CI). The Comprehensive Index of the papers of Royce found at Harvard University was created by Frank Oppenheim with the assistance of Dawn Aberg and John Kaag.
The Harvard University Archives contains most of the papers of American philosopher Josiah Royce (1855-1916). One hundred fifty-five “boxes” house the original manuscripts of his published and unpublished books, articles, lectures, letters, logic work, and other materials. In 2008-09, Royce scholar Frank Oppenheim with Dawn Aberg and John Kaag worked to compile a critical review of the entire collection. This CI shows the breadth and depth of Royce’s thought and allows for new insights into Royce’s writings. The CI describes, dates (where possible), and in some cases evaluates the Harvard Archives Royce Papers (HARP).
Harvard University’s archivists created a “Finding Aid” to the Collection, which is primarily a listing of what is found in the archives. Appendix C of the CI describes the collection in greater detail, from a scholar’s rather than an archivist’s point of view.
The CI is a dynamic work which will develop as Royce scholars work with it. Finally, while the CI has been copyrighted, it is a work in progress. We invite readers who stumble on errata or omissions to email comments so that the CI may be improved with your help. Send suggestions and corrections to: [email protected].
Introduction to the Comprehensive Index
The Papers of Josiah Royce – The Harvard University Archives Finding Aid
A finding aid of Royce materials at the University of California, Los Angeles, is available here: